
Jane Haddam’s WordPress weblog

Live from Donner Pass

with 3 comments

[Posted by a Third Party per Request]
Jane is still without power. Current promise from the power company is Midnight Sunday, so expect no post prior to that, if then.

Written by janeh

November 2nd, 2011 at 6:26 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

3 Responses to 'Live from Donner Pass'

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  1. Should we worry that she might have eaten her offspring yet? ;-)


    3 Nov 11 at 8:36 am

  2. Worry that she might freeze. I found out the hard way that even an oil furnace depends on electricity. The thermostat and blower stopped working!


    3 Nov 11 at 1:52 pm

  3. jd

    3 Nov 11 at 1:55 pm

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