A Conundrum for Christmas
And I don’t even know if I’ve spelled “conundrum” right.
Okay, here’s the problem.
Earlier this morning, I posted a LONG page, called Bah! Humbug! It’s a separate page, and it contains the entire 100 item multiple choice “literacy quiz” I give to my students once a term, partially as an extra credit exercise and mostly as information for me. All the items are things referred to but not explained in their textbook. They’re things the textbook writers just assume any college student will, at least vaguely, know.
My best classes average about a 40, my worst about a 9.5. I thought some of you with nothing to do might have fun with this.
Well, the program says that that page/post is published, but I can’t find it anywhere.
If you guys can, tell me where to look for it.
If not, well, I’m going back to Anonymous 4 singing Hildegarde von Bingen for Christmas.
Kala Kristouyina to everybody out there.
Or, you know, whatever.
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Have a happy day yourself, Jane.
25 Dec 08 at 5:12 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>