
Jane Haddam’s WordPress weblog

Civic Duty

with 4 comments

So, what can I say?

I voted.

I didn’t vote for Romney.  And I didn’t vote for Obama.

But I voted, and so did the two of them, Greg for the first time. 

Greg managed to keep his mouth shut, so that he didn’t get thrown out of the polls for electioneering.

I found out that the voting machines scan the paper ballots from both sides, which means I didn’t have to spend five minutes trying to figure out which way I was supposed to put mine in.

And now I’m going off to make an enormous tuna casserole and spend the evening drinking serious Scotch and watching the returns.

It says something that the only time I ever want to drink anything stronger Stash Double Bergamot Earl Grey Tea is during the returns for federal elections.

Written by janeh

November 6th, 2012 at 3:09 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

4 Responses to 'Civic Duty'

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  1. Wednesday morning in Australia as I write. Results should be in by the evening news. I wonder how many law suits there will be this time?


    6 Nov 12 at 3:52 pm

  2. Caffeine-free Diet Coke and popcorn for me, but certainly a night which calls for a bit of anesthetic. No chance we can sue the political parties for malpractice? Or harassment. I’ve received more phone calls from robots than people over the past month.


    6 Nov 12 at 6:40 pm

  3. If I still lived in Connecticut, I probably would have voted for someone other than Obama, too, although probably a different alternative than Jane chose. ;)

    I didn’t suffer at all. I don’t watch commercial TV or listen to commercial radio and they don’t robocall cell phones. The only ads I saw were ones that friends linked to so I could make fun of them.

    Cathy F


    6 Nov 12 at 8:11 pm

  4. If I were an American, I’d start another revolution. :-)


    6 Nov 12 at 10:14 pm

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