A Little Note
So, today I got a number of e-mails noting that I haven’t posted anything for four days–which I’m sorry for, if only because I want to answer Mike Fisher’s comment about epistemology.
And, on the subject of “it’s all just opinion,” I’ve got a lot to say.
But I’m not totally crashing and burning, and I’m not completely messed up, and I’m even physically well. I’ve just got family members with medical issues and a lot of other stuff to worry about, and I haven’t gotten around to it.
I may be able to get to it tomorrow, but in all likelihood it will be Thursday before things calm down, if at all.
But I’ll get there.
Sorry to be distracted.
2 Responses to 'A Little Note'
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The blog should be recreation, done as time and inclination permit. Please don’t think of it as an obligation to be met. Rest–let alone family medical problems–should take absolute precedence.
25 Jan 11 at 11:03 pm edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>
What Robert said, Jane. This is just a trivial pursuit. Look after yourself and family.
26 Jan 11 at 12:59 am edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>