
Jane Haddam’s WordPress weblog

About Posting To The Blog

with one comment

Hi–This is sort of not a real post.  I’m tired, I couldn’t sleep, it’s too early in the morning.

But we’ve recently experienced some difficult here, so I’m going to post this, and then I’m going to post the message at the bottom of every regular post until we get it cleared up.

If you try to post a comment and can’t, then try to register a password and end up getting the error message

            Invalid Registration Status

please e-mail me, and we’ll get you into the system manually.

So far, at least four regular contributors have had this problem, and I’m a little worried about new people with no experience of how the system usually works.

So if it happens, it’s just the program screwing up.  E-mail me–if you don’t have the address  you can use the contact form on the web site–and we’ll get you signed in.

Thanks.  Sorry for all the fuss. 

Sometimes I think computer programs are trying to get me.

Written by janeh

November 12th, 2010 at 5:07 am

Posted in Uncategorized

One Response to 'About Posting To The Blog'

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  1. Welcome to the world of Murphy’s Law!


    12 Nov 10 at 4:03 pm

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