
Jane Haddam’s WordPress weblog

Another Link

with one comment

Okay, three posts in one day is egregious, but I can’t help myself, and it’s my blog.



is Theodore Dalrymple on John Kenneth Galbraith–if the last one was him arguing in one direction, this is him arguing in the other.

And the description of Galbraith as a person ought to make some of you froth at the mouth.

Written by janeh

February 12th, 2010 at 4:15 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

One Response to 'Another Link'

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  1. This tracks quite well with what I’ve read of Galbraith elsewhere. One observer mentioned that Galbraith was the only man the observer ever knew involved with government price controls to emerge, not with more respect for the markets, but with a belief that all price controls needed were people as wise and intelligent as John Kenneth Galbraith.

    Of course, JKG believed that powerful industries could now create a demand for whatever they wanted to manufcture and sell, and published this in a widely-sold book about a year before the Edsel launched. In teh ensuing 40+ years, he never felt a need to clarify the statement, let alone retract.

    I keep getting told he was clever, but no one ever describes the trends he foresaw or the dangers he warned against. Perhaps the writing was more clever–or more congenial to his readers–than the analysis?


    12 Feb 10 at 4:46 pm

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